This zone incorporates regions of East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur
also parts of Khammam covering a geological area of 5.60 m. ha. The zone has
expanded shore with yearly precipitation going from 800 to 1100 mm. The dirts are
transcendently deltaic alluvial, profound and medium dark soils, red and red loamy soils
what's more seaside sands. Soil saltiness is experienced in regions nearby the coast and in soils
under badly depleted circumstances. The zone is horticulturally generally significant with useful
soils assets, optimal tropical moist climatic and tremendous water system potential (68% of
developed region is flooded) under Krishna - Godavari trench frameworks which has been
generally took advantage of. The net planted region is 2.3 m. ha. furthermore the trimming force is 179%.
Rice is the chief yield developed and this zone is called as the rice bowl of the state with
43% of absolute region and creation. Other significant harvests are beats (blackgram,
greengram, redgram), sugarcane, seasmum, tobacco, chillies, cotton and banana.
Mango is a generally developed plant yield of the zone. Trimming is broadly
seen during both Kharif and rabi seasons. Water blockage, obstructed waste,
improvement of saltiness, weighty downpours and tornadoes at the hour of collect are the major
requirements of yield creation.
This zone comprises of significant pieces of Srikakulam, vizianagaram,
Vishakhapatnam locale and upland belt of East Godavari. The zone comprises of 106
mandals and is essentially agrarian in character, with around 54% of its geological region
under development. Geological region of the zone is 1.8 m. ha., gross edited region is
1.19 m. ha. furthermore editing power is 117%. The ordinary precipitation of the zone is about
1060 mm, out of which 61% is gotten during south-west storm, 26% during
north-east rainstorm and the leftover 13% during winter and late spring months. The
soils of the zone are overwhelmingly red with earth base representing 90% of the area.
Alluvial, waterfront sand and lateritic soils additionally happen in this zone. Tanks and waterways are
the primary wellspring of water system and 45% of trimmed region is inundated.
The significant harvests brought up in the north seaside zone are rice, millets, sugarcane,
groundnut, gingelly and mesta. Rice is the foremost food crop filled in over 90%
of the inundated region followed by sugarcane. The wide range of various yields are become under rainfed
The Southern zone comprises of the regions of Nellore, Chittor and portions of
Kadapa and Anantapur, covering an absolute topographical area of 4.35 m. ha. The environment of
the zone is dry tropical. The normal yearly precipitation goes from 700-1050 mm. About
half of the precipitation is gotten during SW storm. Nellore area gets 60%
precipitation during NE storm. The dirts of the zone are transcendently red loamy,
shallow to modestly profound with restricted event of weighty finished dark soils.
Gross trimmed region is 1.87 m. ha. Tanks and wells are the principle wellspring of water system
with 46% of edited region under water system and trimming power is 108%. The
chief yields developed in the zone are groundnut and rice with development of
sugarcane, ragi, bajra, redgram and different heartbeats restricted to confined regions. Region under
millets especially bajra and sorghum is declining giving way to sunflower. Citrus,
melons and mango additionally are filled widely in certain pieces of the zone.
This zone has an absolute geological area of 7.43 m. ha. covering the regions of
Adilabad, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, portions of Medak, Nalgonda, Warangal and
Khammam. The environment is normally tropical blustery. The mean yearly precipitation
goes from 900 to 1150 mm with 82% of precipitation from SW storm. The net planted
region is 2.21 m. ha. of which 0.67 m. ha. is inundated addressing 30.3% of the net planted
region. The significant yields filled in the zone are rice, sugarcane, jowar, beats, maize, cotton, groundnut, turmeric and chillies and others. Editing power is every available ounce of effort. Wells
are the principle wellspring of water system followed by waterways. Red chalka soils are prevalent.
The zone includes the locale of Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar (with the exception of the
southern boundary), Nalgonda (aside from south east line), north western piece of Warangal
also southern piece of Medak areas. The zone covers an area of 4.0 m. ha. The dirts of
the zone are primarily red sandy, red earths and medium dark soils. The zone gets an
yearly typical precipitation of 809 (700-900) mm. Around 77% of complete precipitation is gotten
during SW rainstorm just 14.35% of the 1.68 m. ha. of net planted region is under
water system. The chief yields filled in the zone are jowar, castor, rice groundnut,
bajra, redgram, horsegram, ragi, greengram, maize and seasmum. It is the castor belt of
The zone comprises of 145 mandals appropriated in Kurnool and portions of
Anantapur, Kadapa, Prakasam and Mahbubnagar regions covering an area of 4.77 m.
ha. The zone is for the most part undulated with mountains, slopes and plain regions. Dominating
soils of the zone are dark soils. Different soils are red earths with loamy sub-soil, red
sandy soil and issue soils. The dirts in Anantapur regions are shallow with low
fruitfulness. The zone is predominantly described by regular dry spells with most minimal precipitation in
the state (500 - 750 mm). The precipitation is additionally questionable and whimsical and 56% of precipitation
is from SW storm. Significant region in the zone is rainfed and inundated region is as it were
15.4%. The significant yield of this zone is groundnut involving around 33.4% of aggregate
trimmed area of 2.13 m. ha. Other significant harvests incorporate sorghum, foxtail millet, rice,
cotton, coriander and pearl millet. Trimming force is 109% excellent dryland
horticulture innovation
This zone is included 40 Mandals disseminated in pieces of Srikakulam,
Vishakhapatnam, East Godavari and Khammam regions covering a geological region
of 1.8 m. ha. The region of this zone lies between 50 to 1680 m AMSL and is
described by high slants, mountains, slopes and hillocks as a feature of Eastern Ghats.
Red soils are the most overwhelming sort (94.8%). A little region is covered under
alluvial soils and waterfront sands. The mean yearly precipitation goes from 1245 to 1288 mm
of which around 70% is contributed by south-west storm. Enormous geological region
(58.9%) in the zone is under backwoods and the net trimmed region is just 19.2% with very
little water system sources. The ancestral individuals of this area work on moving development
privately known as "podu" development for their resource.
Rice is the main yield in the zone possessing 36.2% of the gross
edited area of 0.42 m. ha. The other chief yields development are millets, mesta, niger
what's more tuber crops. Tea, espresso and other ranch crops are additionally filled notwithstanding
fragrant and restorative plants. Trimming power is 120%. Timberland produce, for example,
honey, gum, cleanser nuts, tamarind bring pay to the ancestral individuals.